Gay sex scenes in books

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MORE NEWS: How to prepare for face-to-face classes “This sexually explicit content, whether gay or straight, in my opinion, has no business being in the hands of 5 th and 6 th graders who are 10-12 year old minors.” One scene leads the reader to believe an older Ethan will give oral sex or anal sex to 14 year old Alek right as his parents walk in. “The book talks about how to steal from stores, which teachers they’d like to ‘bang.’ And the thrill Alek experiences in a clothing store dressing room having older Ethan looking at his 14 year old naked body, making out with him, with people nearby. Now it’s a few years later and an older, sexually experienced, Ethan is pursuing 14 year old Alek. Ethan details a sexual relationship he had with a college student who lived in his home when he was only 15 years old himself. “The book is about a 14 year old boy, Alek, and his romantic encounter with an older sexually experienced, 17-year-old Ethan. “When I got the book, I was stunned by what I read thinking about kids ages 10 and 11 reading this book,” Stuppy said. Stuppy highlighted excerpts from one of the books, “One Man Guy” by Michael Barakiva. Jennifer Lee Stuppy, mother of a sixth-grader at Lakeshore Middle School, explained to board members last month that she reviewed a seven-page list of LGBTQ books, including some with sexually explicit content warnings, sent to parents in December.

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